Dental implants are considered to be the gold standard treatment for a missing tooth or teeth. Simply put, a dental implant replaces the root of your tooth which is missing. So if you are missing one tooth, or a whole mouth of missing teeth, there will almost always be a long term solution for you – our patients say that having a dental implant feels like having their own tooth back again!
Dental Implants In Port Orange
Losing a tooth or teeth can cause more than just problems in your mouth. It can affect your self-confidence, your speech, it can stop you from eating the foods you like and therefore may have an effect on your diet. Fortunately Envision Dental – Port Orange dental implants dentistry is just around a corner and you can start your dental implant procedure today. Dental implants are a welcome alternative to poorly fitting dentures or bridges.
Who Are Dental Implants For?
If you are from Port Orange or Daytona Beach and are looking for dental implants, let’s first determine do you really need a dental implant. Dental implants are for you if:
- You have a gap in your mouth and you want a long term solution which looks like your own tooth
- You are about to lose a tooth because a crown keeps falling out
- You have already lost a tooth and don’t want dentures
- You have already lost a tooth and don’t want a bridge which will destroy the teeth on either side of the gap
- You have a bridge which is coming loose
- You have dentures which are uncomfortable and sore
- You want to get rid of your denture paste and glue
- You want to be able to eat all the foods you used to eat , like an apple or a steak
- You want to get your confidence back because you are embarrassed about your missing teeth
- You want to have your old smile back again!
Dental Implants Process
The process of getting dental implants in Port Orange consists of several stages and takes anywhere from three to nine months to complete. First, a dental implant cylinder is implanted in the jawbone. This is an outpatient procedure and is typically done in the dentist’s office. The gum is cut open to expose the bone, and the titanium screw is placed inside of the bone where it is not visible. Because there is still a gap where the tooth used to be, a temporary denture may be used, especially if the gap is in the smile line. A healing period follows which normally lasts a few months; this is to provide ample time for new bone growth to fuse with the implant.
Once the dental implant cylinder is in place, osseointegration begins. This is when the jawbone grows into and fuses with the surface of the dental implant, and healing time usually takes two to six months. When osseointegration is complete, additional surgery may be needed to place the post or abutment. The gum is reopened to expose the dental implant and the abutment is attached. Typically, this outpatient procedure is done with local anesthesia. Once the abutment is in place, the gum tissue is closed around, but not over, the abutment. Sometimes the abutment is attached to the dental implant cylinder when the cylinder is first implanted, but because it is placed above the gumline, it is visible when the mouth is opened. Some patients prefer to have the post placed separately for this very reason.
Bone Grafting
Some patients may need to have an additional surgery during the dental implant procedure because their jawbone is too thin or soft. Bone grafts offer a more solid foundation for the implant. A piece of bone is removed from another part of the body – usually the hip, and inserted into the jawbone. It can take six to nine months for the bone transplant to grow enough new bone to work with, further extending the length of the dental implant procedure. However, minor bone grafts can be done during the implant surgery for some patients.
Types of Teeth
After the abutment is in place, there is another healing period of one to two weeks before the artificial teeth are attached. There are two main types of artificial teeth from which to choose. Removable implant prostheses resemble traditional dentures. They are made up of artificial white teeth and plastic pink gum that is mounted on a metal frame attached to the implant abutment. The removable prosthesis snaps easily into place and can be removed for cleaning. This more affordable option is preferred when several teeth need to be replaced in the lower jaw. The fixed implant prosthesis is permanently anchored to the abutment with either screws or cement, but fixed implants are considerably more expensive because each crown is attached to its own implant.
Get Your Dental Implants Today
There have been numerous advances in dentistry in recent years, and a dental implants procedure has become a popular treatment in Daytona Beach and Port Orange because the implants look and function much like natural teeth. Unlike dentures or bridgework, dental implants do not move or shift and can last a lifetime, making it the perfect choice in maintaining a full and bright smile. So, contact Envision Dental to learn about your dental implants options.